
Set of build parameters that are added to builds triggered by a trigger.

Example. Append two additional parameters to triggered build.

buildType {
// ...
triggers {
retryBuild {
// ...
buildParams {
param("param1", "value1")
param("param2", "%build.number%")




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fun add(p: Parameter)

Adds the specified parameter

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fun booleanParameter(customName: String? = null, trueValue: String? = "true", falseValue: String? = "false"): DelegateProvider<Boolean?>
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fun checkbox(name: String, value: String, label: String = "", description: String = "", display: ParameterDisplay = ParameterDisplay.NORMAL, readOnly: Boolean = false, checked: String? = null, unchecked: String? = null)

Adds a checkbox parameter

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fun clear()
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fun <T : CompoundParam<T>> compoundParameter(customName: String? = null): DelegateProvider<T>
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fun <T : Parametrized> copyParamsTo(target: T): T

Copies parameters of this object to the specified target

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fun doubleParameter(customName: String? = null): DelegateProvider<Double>
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fun <E : Enum<E>> enumParameter(customName: String? = null, mapping: Map<E, String?>? = null): DelegateProvider<E>
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fun findRawParam(paramName: String): Parameter?
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Example. Adds a new vault parameter with the name test that will fetch a value from the KV 1.0 vault named secret from the path path/to, with the key key. The connection namespace to use it is connection-1

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fun hasParam(paramName: String): Boolean
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fun intParameter(customName: String? = null): DelegateProvider<Int>
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fun param(name: String, value: String)

Adds parameter with specified name and value

fun param(name: String, value: String, type: String? = null, vararg arguments: Pair<String, String>)
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fun password(name: String, value: String, label: String = "", description: String = "", display: ParameterDisplay = ParameterDisplay.NORMAL, readOnly: Boolean = false)

Adds a password parameter, TeamCity masks its value in UI

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fun remote(remoteParameter: RemoteParameter)
fun remote(name: String, label: String = "", description: String = "", display: ParameterDisplay = ParameterDisplay.NORMAL, readOnly: Boolean = false, remoteType: String, vararg params: Pair<String, String>)

Adds a remote parameter from a specific remote type

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fun removeRawParam(paramName: String)
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fun select(name: String, value: String, label: String = "", description: String = "", display: ParameterDisplay = ParameterDisplay.NORMAL, readOnly: Boolean = false, allowMultiple: Boolean = false, valueSeparator: String = ",", options: List<Any> = listOf())

Adds a parameter with predefined set of possible values

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open fun stringParameter(customName: String? = null): DelegateProvider<String>
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fun text(name: String, value: String, label: String = "", description: String = "", display: ParameterDisplay = ParameterDisplay.NORMAL, readOnly: Boolean = false, allowEmpty: Boolean)

Adds a text parameter

fun text(name: String, value: String, label: String = "", description: String = "", display: ParameterDisplay = ParameterDisplay.NORMAL, readOnly: Boolean = false, regex: String = "", validationMessage: String = "")

Adds a text parameter validated by the specified regex

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open override fun validate(consumer: ErrorConsumer)

Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer