
Collection of build features in build configuration or template.

Example. Add approval to the build

See also Approval

features {
approval {
approvalRules = "user:qa"

Example. Import test results into TeamCity from the JUnix test results XML files

See also XML report processing

features {
xmlReport {
reportType = XmlReport.XmlReportType.JUNIT
rules = "test-reports/**.xml"

See also features().


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Make build require manual approval before it will be assigned to an agent

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Adds a build feature which updates the AssemblyVersion, AssemblyFileVersion and AssemblyInformationalVersion attributes in AssemblyInfo files under Properties folders. No additional attributes will be added, make sure you have all necessary attributes in the source code. Changed source files are reverted at the end of a build.

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Configures Bazel build behaviour.

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Adds a build cache to the build

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Copies the receiver build features

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Copies the receiver build features to the specified target

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fun feature(feature: BuildFeature)

Adds the specified build feature

Adds a build feature initialized with the specified init block

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Adds a free disk space check to the build configuration or template

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Example. Adds a Golang build feature for test reporting. Note that additional -json command line argument is specified for tests run.

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Adds Gradle dependency cache to the build. The feature tracks shared cache directories (<gradle_user_home>/caches/modules-2) used by Gradle steps and caches dependencies in the artifact storage. The cache is automatically updated when dependencies of corresponding Gradle projects change.

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Configures Investigations Auto Assigner behaviour.

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Provides integration with Jira Cloud via its Build and Deployment APIs

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fun BuildFeatures.matrix(init: MatrixFeature.() -> Unit = {})

The Matrix Builds feature allows you to define a build configuration with different sets of parameters/parameter values. Running this build configuration creates a batch of separate builds, each running its own parameter set.

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Adds Maven dependency cache to the build. The feature tracks local repositories used by Maven steps and caches dependencies in the artifact storage. The cache is automatically updated when dependencies of corresponding Maven projects change.

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Enables automatic merge in the build configuration or template

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Add notification rule

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Example. Adds an npm registry build feature. Please note that corresponding connection project feature should be provided in project. This connection will be used only inside nodeJS build steps.

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Adds NuGet cache to the build. The feature tracks NuGet global-packages directories used by the dotnet command and caches packages in the artifact storage. The cache is automatically updated when dependencies of the corresponding .NET projects change. NuGet package caching is supported when the build command uses .NET SDK 7.0.200 or higher.

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Example. Enables tests parallelization. Uses 3 parallel batches to run tests.

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Adds a build feature build feature

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Example. Provides AWS Credentials of chosen AWS Connection to the Build Agent

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Adds a build feature which processes text files by performing regular expressions

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Adds a Ruby Environment Configurator build feature passes Ruby interpreter to all build steps.

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Adds a Shared Resource build feature which allows limiting concurrently running builds using a shared resource. Note that corrensponding Shared Resources project feature should be defined.

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Adds a build feature which runs SSH agent during a build with the specified SSH key loaded

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Adds a build feature cleaning files and processes created during a build

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open override fun validate(consumer: ErrorConsumer)

Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer

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Adds a build feature parses xml report produced by external tools and present them as build results