
Stores information and configuration for the access to a Kubernetes cluster.

Example. Adds a new Connection that allows TeamCity to store and manage a Kubernetes Cluster using a Bearer Token

project {
// Other Project settings ...
features {
// Other Project Features ...
        kubernetesConnection {
id = "PROJECT_EXT_3"
name = "Connection"
apiServerUrl = "http://cluster.com"
caCertificate = "credentialsJSON:c77bc0a7-f461-4ca8-959b-ef5c8f6359b2"
namespace = "namespace"
authStrategy = token {
token = "credentialsJSON:fa92592e-ec16-4543-add0-1cdd4de87e5e"

Example. Adds a new Connection that allows TeamCity to store and manage a Kubernetes Cluster using a username and password

project {
// Other Project settings ...
features {
// Other Project Features ...
        kubernetesConnection {
id = "PROJECT_EXT_3"
name = "Connection"
apiServerUrl = "http://cluster.com"
caCertificate = "credentialsJSON:c77bc0a7-f461-4ca8-959b-ef5c8f6359b2"
namespace = "namespace"
authStrategy = usernameAndPassword {
username = "username"
password = "credentialsJSON:aaef5e7e-5a51-427c-b0ea-3af364cacedd"

Example. Adds a new Connection that allows TeamCity to store and manage a Kubernetes Cluster using the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol

project {
// Other Project settings ...
features {
// Other Project Features ...
        kubernetesConnection {
id = "PROJECT_EXT_3"
name = "Connection"
apiServerUrl = "http://cluster.com"
caCertificate = "credentialsJSON:c77bc0a7-f461-4ca8-959b-ef5c8f6359b2"
namespace = "namespace"
authStrategy = openId {
idpIssuerUrl = "idpurl"
clientId = "clientId"
clientSecret = "credentialsJSON:612f3414-2b25-41ec-9520-12c9669d1f85"
refreshToken = "credentialsJSON:0bb3f85a-7ff4-474e-9c14-8da47099595a"

Example. Adds a new Connection that allows TeamCity to store and manage a Kubernetes Cluster using a Client Certificate and Key

project {
// Other Project settings ...
features {
// Other Project Features ...
        kubernetesConnection {
id = "PROJECT_EXT_3"
name = "Connection"
apiServerUrl = "http://cluster.com"
caCertificate = "credentialsJSON:c77bc0a7-f461-4ca8-959b-ef5c8f6359b2"
namespace = "namespace"
authStrategy = clientCertificateAndKey {
clientKey = "credentialsJSON:43b46ece-15a7-4621-a271-7d2b33e9e356"
clientCertificate = "credentialsJSON:87a6537c-cb8f-4684-b44d-e0ea183e9fa1"

Example. Adds a new Connection that allows TeamCity to store and manage a Kubernetes Cluster in AWS EKS using an access key and secret key

project {
// Other Project settings ...
features {
// Other Project Features ...
        kubernetesConnection {
id = "PROJECT_EXT_3"
name = "Connection"
apiServerUrl = "http://cluster.com"
caCertificate = "credentialsJSON:c77bc0a7-f461-4ca8-959b-ef5c8f6359b2"
namespace = "namespace"
authStrategy = eks {
accessId = "accessId"
secretKey = "credentialsJSON:3507800f-ae64-49f1-bbb5-0a4deec5c7b3"
clusterName = "cluster-name"

Example. Adds a new Connection that allows TeamCity to store and manage a Kubernetes Cluster.

project {
// Other Project settings ...
features {
// Other Project Features ...
        kubernetesConnection {
id = "PROJECT_EXT_3"
name = "Connection"
apiServerUrl = "http://cluster.com"
caCertificate = "credentialsJSON:c77bc0a7-f461-4ca8-959b-ef5c8f6359b2"
namespace = "namespace"
authStrategy = unauthorized()

See also


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constructor(init: KubernetesConnection.() -> Unit)



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Target Kubernetes API server URL

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The way how to obtain credentials

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The CA Certificate to connect to the cluster. Leave empty to skip TLS verification (insecure option)

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var id: String?

Project feature id, if not specified will be generated

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var name: String?

Kubernetes connection display name

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The Kubernetes namespace to use. Leave empty to use the default namespace.

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Project feature type


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fun booleanParameter(customName: String? = null, trueValue: String? = "true", falseValue: String? = "false"): DelegateProvider<Boolean?>
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fun clear()
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Connecting to a Kubernetes cluster using a client certificate and key

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fun <T : CompoundParam<T>> compoundParameter(customName: String? = null): DelegateProvider<T>
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fun <T : Parametrized> copyParamsTo(target: T): T

Copies parameters of this object to the specified target

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Creates an instance of this project feature via reflection using a no argument constructor, used during copying. Throws an error if this class doesn't have a default constructor. Subclasses can override it to create an instance without using a default constructor.

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fun doubleParameter(customName: String? = null): DelegateProvider<Double>
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Connecting to an AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)

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fun <E : Enum<E>> enumParameter(customName: String? = null, mapping: Map<E, String?>? = null): DelegateProvider<E>
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fun findRawParam(paramName: String): Parameter?
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fun hasParam(paramName: String): Boolean
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fun intParameter(customName: String? = null): DelegateProvider<Int>
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Connecting to a Kubernetes cluster using the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol

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fun param(name: String, value: String)

Adds parameter with specified name and value

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fun removeRawParam(paramName: String)
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Uses the Kubernetes credentials provided in the TeamCity Instance. Should be available under /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token

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open fun stringParameter(customName: String? = null): DelegateProvider<String>
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Connecting to a Kubernetes cluster using a Bearer Token

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open override fun toString(): String
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Use unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API server

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Connecting to a Kubernetes cluster using a username and password

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open override fun validate(consumer: ErrorConsumer)

Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer